Таврійський християнський інститут



Training Christian Leaders for Service in Ukraine and Central Asia

make a difference in Christian education in a war-torn country

Empower the next generation
of theological leaders
in Ukraine

make a difference in Christian education
in a war-torn country


Additional questions

Fundraising Strategy:

Have any funds already been raised towards this $4 million goal? If so, how much and from whom?

As of now, we have not raised any funds towards the goal. The fundraising process has not yet begun, and we are currently at the initial stages of planning and preparation. Once we commence fundraising efforts, we will keep you informed of our progress and any contributions received.

What is the TCI's fundraising strategy, and how will it be executed to ensure that the necessary funds are raised in a timely and effective manner?

TCI’s fundraising strategy is designed to be comprehensive and multi-faceted, aiming to reach various potential donors and sources of financial support. The strategy involves the following key approaches:

Direct Requests to Major Donors: TCI will reach out to major donors, both individuals and organizations, who have shown a strong interest in supporting our mission and have the capacity to make significant contributions. Personalized appeals and presentations will be made to showcase the importance of our project and the impact their support can have.

Crowdfunding: TCI will utilize online crowdfunding platforms to engage a broader audience and raise funds from a large number of donors, no matter how small their contributions. This approach allows for community involvement and helps spread awareness about our need.

Grant Applications: TCI will actively pursue grant opportunities from foundations and philanthropic institutions that align with our mission and vision. Grant applications will be carefully prepared to demonstrate our project’s potential and the value it brings to the community.

Major Fundraising Events: Throughout the fundraising period, TCI will organize several significant fundraising events. These events not only create opportunities for financial support but also provide a platform to engage with potential donors and stakeholders.

Donor Stewardship: TCI will focus on maintaining strong relationships with existing donors, ensuring proper appreciation and communication. Regular updates on the progress of the project and its impact will be shared with donors to reinforce their confidence in our organization.

Utilizing Media and Online Presence: TCI will leverage media channels and our online presence to reach a broader audience and engage with potential supporters. Social media campaigns, newsletters, and media coverage will help us create awareness and generate interest in our fundraising efforts.

Partner Collaboration: TCI will seek partnerships with like-minded organizations and churches, working together on joint fundraising initiatives and co-hosting events. Collaborative efforts can amplify our message and widen our fundraising network.

To ensure the timely and effective execution of the fundraising strategy, TCI will form a dedicated fundraising team with experienced professionals who will oversee and implement the various fundraising approaches. TCI has two directors of development who work with American churches and they will be involved in raising funds.

Regular monitoring of progress, performance evaluation, and adjustments to the strategy as needed will be crucial to achieving our fundraising goals. By diversifying our fundraising methods and engaging a broad spectrum of potential donors, we aim to maximize our chances of success in raising the necessary funds within the designated timeframe of 8 months.

Who are the TCI's current partners, and what is their level of involvement in the fundraising campaign?
  1. OC and United World Mission
  2. Scholar Leaders
  3. Tyndale House,
  4. IDES
  5. International Mission Board (IMB)
  6. Read Ministries
  7. Keys Connect
  8. Baptist World Alliance
  9. European Baptist Federation
  10. Worldpartners (Netherlands)
  11. Americans for Ukraine

TCI’s partners play a crucial role in supporting the fundraising campaign through financial contributions, leveraging their networks, providing resources, and offering valuable advice and expertise. Their collective involvement enhances the campaign’s effectiveness and helps TCI achieve its fundraising goals.

Financial Oversight:

How will the funds be received and managed to ensure proper financial oversight and transparency?

To ensure proper financial oversight and transparency, the funds raised for the TCI’s fundraising campaign will be managed with strict adherence to the following measures:

1. Special Bank Account: All donations will be received and transferred to a dedicated and secure bank account solely designated for this project. This account will require double authorization for any financial transactions, ensuring an additional layer of security and control.

2. Supervisory Board: A dedicated Supervisory Board will be established specifically for overseeing the fundraising project. This board will comprise both Ukrainian and international representatives, ensuring diverse perspectives and accountability.

The Ukrainian representatives on the Supervisory Board will include:

a. Pavlo Smolyakov: Head of the Union of Baptist Churches of Kherson Region and a respected pastor. He will represent the Founders/Churches of Kherson, providing local oversight and insights.

b. Valentine Siniy: TCI President, responsible for representing TCI’s interests and ensuring alignment with the institution’s mission and values.

c. Valerii Antoniuk: President of All Ukraine Evangelical Christian Baptist Union. He will tentatively represent the Baptist Union of Ukraine, contributing valuable insights from the national Baptist community.

d. Taras Dyatlik: A representative from the academic community of Ukraine, whose role will be confirmed. His presence will add academic expertise and ensure academic integrity in the project.

International Representatives: The international representatives on the Supervisory Board will include:

a. Helle Liht: Assistant General Secretary, European Baptist Federation. She will represent the Baptist World Alliance, fostering international cooperation and partnership.

b. Representative from the Overseas Council: United World Mission and ScholarLeaders. This representative will contribute insights and expertise from overseas partners, supporting the campaign’s global outreach.

c. A representative from TCI’s sponsors. This individual will provide valuable input and perspectives from organizations and entities financially supporting TCI.

d. A representative from the church acting as the fiscal sponsor. This person may serve as a voting representative, while an accountant from the church may participate as a non-voting member, ensuring financial oversight and compliance.

With this structure in place, the Supervisory Board will oversee the proper use and management of the raised funds, ensuring they are allocated appropriately for the purchase of the new campus. Transparency will be maintained through regular financial reporting and updates provided to all donors and stakeholders involved in the campaign. The funds will be utilized efficiently and responsibly to achieve the campaign’s goals, and the board’s diverse representation will ensure that all decisions are made with accountability and the utmost care.

How can partners remain updated on the campaign's progress and the use of the donated funds? What type of reporting will be provided?

Partners can stay updated on the campaign’s progress and the use of donated funds through a comprehensive reporting system designed for transparency and accountability. The following measures will be implemented to provide partners with regular updates:

Quarterly Financial Reports: Detailed financial reports will be issued on a quarterly basis. These reports will outline the funds received during the period, their

allocation, and how they have been utilized. The reports will offer a clear overview of the campaign’s financial health and the impact of the contributions received.

Use of Donated Funds: The reports will provide a breakdown of how the donated funds have been distributed and spent. This includes the progress made towards the $4 million goal, the expenses related to purchasing the new campus, any necessary refurbishments or improvements, and any other relevant expenditure.

Transparent Communication: Open communication channels will be established with partners. If partners have any specific questions, concerns, or need further information about the campaign, they can reach out to the campaign team through the dedicated email address: partnerstci@gmail.com. This will facilitate direct and timely communication to address any inquiries.

Virtual Meetings: To foster a deeper level of engagement, virtual meetings may be organized with key stakeholders and partners to discuss the campaign’s progress, address questions, and receive valuable feedback.

By providing comprehensive reporting and establishing transparent communication channels, partners can have confidence that their contributions are being utilized effectively and responsibly. This level of transparency and accountability will strengthen the partnership between TCI and its supporters, fostering a shared commitment to achieving the campaign’s goals and advancing the mission of the Christian University.

Project Costs:

How were the costs for land, buildings, fencing, parking, and landscaping estimated? Were bids taken from multiple contractors and real estate agents to verify these numbers?

The costs for land, buildings, fencing, parking, and landscaping were estimated through a thorough process that involved obtaining independent estimates from licensed contractors and conducting a comprehensive review of these estimates in line with industry standards.

In the case of land acquisition, the valuation was based on recent sales prices for comparable properties in the area. Real estate agents were consulted to provide their expertise and insights into the local real estate market, ensuring that the estimated cost for the land was fair and reasonable.

By following this diligent process of obtaining estimates from various contractors and real estate experts, we have ensured that the cost estimates for the project are accurate, transparent, and reflective of the prevailing market conditions. This level of scrutiny and verification instills confidence in the fundraising campaign and assures our partners that their contributions will be put to the best possible use in realizing the vision of the Christian University.

Are the estimated costs for the land and buildings fixed or could there be variations or fluctuations in the future?

The estimated costs for the land and buildings are carefully calculated based on current market conditions and the information available at the time of the estimation. However, it’s important to acknowledge that due to various factors, including the impact of the war and fluctuations in the economic environment, there may be potential variations or fluctuations in the future.

While we have undertaken diligent research and checks to create a comprehensive budget, we understand that unforeseen circumstances or changes in the market could arise. In the event of any significant changes or challenges that may affect the budget, we will work diligently to reassess and adjust our plans accordingly.

Our commitment is to be transparent and responsible in managing the project’s finances. We will keep our partners informed about any significant developments and changes that may impact the budget or timeline.

Project Timeline and Contingencies:

What is the timeline for purchasing the land and constructing the new campus? When do you expect the new campus to be operational?

We expect to complete the land purchase within 2-3 months after we raise the required amount and start construction within 4 months, with the construction completed in 18-24 months.

Our ultimate goal is to have the new campus operational and ready to serve the needs of students and the community at the earliest feasible time. We understand the significance of timely completion and are committed to expediting the process without compromising on the quality and functionality of the campus.

Throughout the journey, we will keep our partners informed about the progress, challenges, and milestones achieved during the construction and development of the new campus.

What contingencies are in place if the fundraising goals are not met? Do you have a backup plan?

While we are optimistic about meeting our fundraising goals to acquire the new campus, we understand that unforeseen challenges or delays may arise during the process. To ensure a responsible and flexible approach, we have contingency plans in place.

If, for any reason, we face a delay in reaching our fundraising targets, we will prioritize critical aspects of the project and implement a phased construction approach. This means focusing on essential facilities and infrastructure first, ensuring that the core components of the campus are functional and operational.

Additionally, we have explored the possibility of securing a loan that would be backed by the land we plan to acquire. This option provides us with an alternative source of funding if needed, allowing us to move forward with the project while continuing our fundraising efforts.

Project Risks:

How will the new campus be designed and built to withstand potential future attacks or instability in the region? What security measures will be put in place?

The safety and security of the new campus are of utmost importance to us, considering the region’s history of instability and potential risks. To ensure the campus is designed and built to withstand any potential future attacks or challenges, we have taken specific measures.

Firstly, a bomb shelter will be incorporated into the building’s design. This shelter will provide a safe space for students, staff, and faculty in the event of any emergencies, ensuring their protection during critical situations.

Secondly, the entire campus will be constructed in compliance with all government requirements for modern buildings in a post-military Ukraine. This includes adherence to building codes and safety regulations to create a robust and resilient structure that can withstand various environmental and security challenges.

Moreover, our construction plans will involve consultations with experts in security and building design to incorporate additional security measures as needed. These may include advanced access control systems, perimeter fencing, surveillance cameras, and other security technologies.

Ongoing Operations:

What steps has the TCI taken to continue its programs and services after the destruction of its campus?

After the destruction of our campus in Kherson, TCI took several proactive steps to ensure the continuity of our programs and services for our students and ministry partners:

Renting Temporary Premises: To immediately resume our educational activities, we secured temporary premises in Ivano-Frankivsk. These rented facilities serve as a central location to hold both distance learning and on-site classes. This allowed us to continue providing education to our students without interruption.

Expanding Online Programs: Understanding the importance of flexibility, especially during challenging times, we significantly expanded our online courses. This enables students who cannot travel to have access to quality education remotely. Our online platform allows for engaging virtual interactions and fosters a sense of community among our students, faculty, and staff.

Implementing Distance Learning: We swiftly implemented distance learning options, enabling our students to continue their studies from the safety of their homes, especially during periods of heightened security risks or when in-person gatherings were limited due to external circumstances.

Enhancing Support Services: Despite the challenges posed by the destruction of our campus, we have focused on strengthening our support services for students, including academic advising, counseling, and technical assistance. Our commitment

to student success remains unwavering, and we continue to provide the necessary support for their educational journey.

How are you planning to reallocate or transition the ongoing programs and services initiated at the temporary location in Ivano-Frankivsk to the new campus?

As we transition to the new campus in Kyiv, our plan is to reallocate our ongoing programs in a manner that ensures continuity and efficiency. Here are the key steps we intend to take:

Transition of Licensed Programs: All our licensed programs, including formal theological education and other training initiatives, will be relocated to the new campus in Kyiv. This centralization will enhance the coherence and accessibility of our educational offerings, providing a more conducive learning environment for our students.

Establishment of a Branch in Ivano-Frankivsk: Recognizing the significance of our presence in Ivano-Frankivsk and its surrounding regions, we will establish a branch of TCI there. This branch will continue to deliver church training programs and other initiatives on-site, following the principle of an itinerant program. This approach will allow us to maintain our engagement with the local community while optimizing resources.

What are the long-term operating costs associated with the new campus? Have you developed a budget for staffing, maintenance, utilities, etc.?

The long-term operating costs associated with the new campus have been carefully considered, and we have developed comprehensive 5-year operating budgets to ensure the sustainability and continued success of the institution. These budgets encompass various aspects of campus operations, including:

Personnel Costs: We have allocated funds for staffing, including faculty, administrative personnel, support staff, and other essential team members. Salaries, benefits, and professional development opportunities are accounted for to attract and retain qualified and dedicated individuals.

Services and Maintenance: Funds are allocated for routine maintenance, repairs, and renovations to ensure that the campus remains in excellent condition. We prioritize a safe and conducive learning environment for our students and staff, and these funds will help us achieve that goal.

Utilities and Infrastructure: We have factored in the costs of utilities such as electricity, water, heating, and cooling, as well as expenses related to the infrastructure needed to support a modern campus.

Supplies and Equipment: Budgets have been set aside for academic and administrative supplies, as well as equipment necessary for classrooms, laboratories, offices, and other campus facilities.

Educational Resources: Funds are allocated for library resources, digital databases, and other educational materials that support our diverse academic programs.

Strategic Planning and Development: Looking beyond the initial years, we have dedicated resources to support ongoing strategic planning and development initiatives. TCI is will work on Vital Sustainability Initiative (VSI) plan development and include the priorities mentioned above. This will ensure that TCI remains adaptable and responsive to changing needs and opportunities.

As we move forward, the project’s Supervisory Board will play a vital role in the strategic planning process. We intend to engage the board in developing a comprehensive strategic plan that will guide our operations after the wars. This collaborative effort will help us align our resources, goals, and actions effectively to fulfill our fundraising task in the long term.