Таврійський християнський інститут

Budget of the Tavriski Christian Institute
for renting premises in Kiev and purchasing
a new building 2024-2027

Expenses for rent and utilities amount to:

$252 thousand. per year

($21 thousand monthly)

Premises Rental

$78 thousand. per year
($6500 per month)


$60 thousand. per year
($5000 per month)

Rental of premises
for employee accommodation

$114 thousand. per year
($9500 per month)

One-time purchase

4.05 million – 4.650 million

Equipment for classrooms

$50 thousand

Launch of a library

$300-400 thousand

Purchase of a building for a training center

$2.5 million

Purchase of a building for housing displaced persons

$1.2-1.7 million